Shankar dev photo
Shankar dev photo

shankar dev photo

It appears that the siNhaasana (lion throne) isinscribed with a version of Guru Dev's title:. Panel to left ofphotos - Panel to right of photos

shankar dev photo

It seems the wide sofa throne is carved with another form of the titleof Shankaracharya Guru Dev:.

shankar dev photo

Underneath each image of the twelve panels words areembroidered inDevanagari script, forming what is probably a variant of the title ofShankaracharya. The sixth image is probably another son of Shiva calledMurukan (known also as Skanda, Kartikeyan, Kumaran and Subrahmanyana).Alternatively, this sixth image might be a symbol denoting theexistence of the formless transcendental Being, Paramatma. Ganesha(seated in lotus - the first-born son of Shiva who is also known alsoas Ganapati). Thedeities are Shiva (riding Nandi the bull), Durga/ Shakti (riding the tiger), Vishnu (standing), Surya (in chariot pulled by horses).

shankar dev photo

Five of theimages of deities are of the five deities related to the smartaworship as favoured by Adi Shankara, the first Shankaracharya. The chhatarii (umbrella ) hastwelve panels, displaying six main images interspersed with panelsshowing the symbol of the ' OM' or 'AUM'. Notes on items seen in photographs ofGuru Dev Photo taken in July 1948 at Bandha, Jabalpur M.P. (Illustrationfrom 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas') Shankaracharya Swami Brahmanand SaraswatiĪnd President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad, Delhi, 4 thDecember 1952 'Dr Rajendra Prasad, thePresident of India, enjoying the Divine Effulgence of the BEACON LIGHTof the HIMALAYAS' NB Brahmachari Mahesh (later known as MaharishiMahesh Yogi) to left of photoĪtmeeting with President of India, Dr Rajendra Prasad in Delhi, 4 thDecember 1952 It can take up to 48 hours for the new photo to appear.

Shankar dev photo